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paddy field


Providing Everything You Need

Sumitra Paddy seed Vasanth Seeds

Sumitra VAPL - 666

  • Tall & Semi-erect plant type

  • Orange yellow & semi-flint kernels

  • Medium Ear placement

  • Cob shape: Cylindrical

  • No. of kernel rows: 14-16

  •  No. of kernels/row: 34-36

  • Shelling percent: 78-79%

  • Higher Grain Yield

  • Tolerant to lodging

  • Maturity: Kharif -110-115 days & Rabi - 140-150 days

padmini seed packet


  • Tall & Semi-erect plant type

  • Orange yellow & semi-flint kernels

  • Medium Ear placement

  • Cob shape: Cylindrical

  • No. of kernel rows: 14-16

  •  No. of kernels/row: 34-36

  • Shelling percent: 78-79%

  • Higher Grain Yield

  • Tolerant to lodging

  • Maturity: Kharif -110-115 days & Rabi - 140-150 days

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