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  • At Vasanth Agri Biotech Private Limited, we make every effort to provide accurate and relevant information on our website. However, we do not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the data or material provided.

  • We strive to ensure that all information published on our website is accurate at the time of posting, and we regularly update our content. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information, and we reserve the right to change it at any time without notice. Despite our best efforts, there may be errors or omissions.

  • We publish this data "as is" without any warranty, express or implied. Vasanth Agri Biotech Private Limited will not accept any liability for any claims or losses arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data or material on our website, whether accessed with authorization or not.

  • The information contained on our website should not be considered an offer for investments or a commitment from Vasanth Agri Biotech Private Limited. Any individual who chooses to act upon any part of the information published on our website does so at their own risk, and Vasanth Agri Biotech Private Limited will not be held responsible or liable for any resulting consequences.

  • We advise our users to verify and confirm any information published on our website before acting upon it. This includes, but is not limited to, information related to financials, products, R&D, policies, plans, management, and more.

  • The past performance of Vasanth Agri Biotech Private Limited or any other company referred to on our website should not be relied upon as a guide to future performance.

  • The product images displayed on our website are intended for illustrative purposes only, and the products' attributes may vary.

  • All content published on our website belonging to other entities is intended for public information purposes only and is not intended to violate any IPR rights or to promote commercial benefit.

  • We welcome suggestions to improve and objections to correct the content of our website.

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